LFM Script Integration Instructions

Follow the instructions outlined below to ensure a seamless integration into your LFM, LFMTE, or LFMVM script.

Setup and Preparation

  • LFM Admin area access
  • cPanel and phpMyAdmin access
  • Basic knowledge of File Manager and navigating folders
  • Basic knowledge of creating new and editing php files
  • Basic knowledge of phpMyAdmin and navigating tables
  • LFM table prefix, while normally "oto_", it may be different (Can be found in public_html/inc/config.php via File Manager)
  • LFM table name (Can be found in public_html/inc/config.php via File Manager)
Do NOT edit any folder or files outside of what is in these instructions. Do NOT edit anything other than what has been specified in these instructions.

Step 1: phpMyAdmin

Part 1:

A. Open phpMyAdmin via cPanel or your hosting provider.

B. Using the directory on the left side of the page open your LFM table.

C. Find and click on the table named PREFIX_ipn_merchants.

D. There are five rows in this table all named accordingly to their payment processor.

E. Click Edit on the row that you wish to replace with HivePay (It is not recommended to replace the Comms row.

F. Change the name to HivePay and click Go.

Part 2:

A. While still in phpMyAdmin find and click on the table named PREFIX_ipn_transactions.

B. Click Structure on the menu above the table contents.

C. Identify Row 4 with the name of txn_id.

D. Row 4 Type should say varchar(100), if it does continue to Step 1 Part 3, if not continue reading.

E. Click Change on Row 4.

F. Change the Length/Values from 30 to 100 and click Save.

Part 3:

A. While still in phpMyAdmin find and click on the table named PREFIX_sales.

B. Click Structure on the menu above the table contents.

C. Identify Row 9 with the name of txn_id.

D. Row 9 Type should say varchar(100), if it does continue to Step 1 Part 4, if not continue reading.

E. Click Change on Row 9.

F. Change the Length/Values from 30 to 100 and click Save.

Part 4:

A. Exit out of phpMyAdmin and continue to Step 2.

Step 2: File Manager

Part 1:

A. Open File Manager via cPanel or your hosting provider.

B. Navigate to the public_html/ipn folder.

C. Create a new file named: hivepay.php.

D. Edit the hivepay.php file and paste in the following code:

function convert_currency($amount,$base,$return='USD') {
    $service_url = 'https://api.hivepay.io/';
    $curl = curl_init($service_url);
        "hivepay.convert": {
            "base_currency": "'.$base.'",
            "return_currency": "'.$return.'",
            "amount": "'.$amount.'"
    $data_string =  json_encode($t);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $t);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
        'Content-Type: application/json',
        'Content-Length: ' . strlen($t))
    $response=json_decode($response, true);
    $amt=number_format($response["return_amount"], '2', '.', '');
    if($amt==0.00) {
        return '0.01';
    return $amt;
$ch = curl_init($api_url);
$verify = array(
    'hivepay_ipn' => 'notification',
    'txid' => $txid,
    'token' => $token,
    'token_amount' => $token_amount,
    'buyer' => $buyer,
    'merchant' => $merchant,
    'amount_received' => $amount_received
$payload = json_encode(array("verify_data" => $verify));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$result=json_decode($result, true);

if($result["error"]) {

$qry="SELECT `payee` FROM `".$prefix."ipn_merchants` WHERE `name`='HivePay'";

if($txid==$result["verify_txid"] && $hiveusername==$merchant && $payment_successful==1) {

    if($total>=$base_amount) {
        $qry="SELECT `name` FROM `".$prefix."ipn_products` WHERE `id`='".$itemid."'";

        $qry="SELECT `firstname`,`lastname`,`email` FROM `".$prefix."members` WHERE `Id`='".$user_id."'";
        $member_name=$row["firstname"].' '.$row["lastname"];

        $new['processor'] = 'hivepay';
	    $new['subscr_id'] = "none";
        $new['date']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $new['txn_type']='Hive Payment';
        $new['txn_type']='Hive Payment';

processError('Unable to process Transaction',$_POST);

E. Save and close the hivepay.php file and continue to Part 2.

Part 2:

A. Navigate to the public_html/ipn folder.

B. Find and open the code.php file for editing.

C. Identify Line 13, it should start with either if(isset($firepay)) { or if (isset($verify_sign)) {

D. If Line 13 does not look like the code above, find the code in your file and use that line.

E. Copy and Paste the code below at the beginning of the line you just identified:

if(isset($hivepay)) { include("ipn/hivepay.php"); } else

F. The line should look like one of these two examples now:

if(isset($hivepay)) { include("ipn/hivepay.php"); } elseif(isset($firepay)) { 
if(isset($hivepay)) { include("ipn/hivepay.php"); } elseif(isset($verify_sign)) { 

G. Save and Close the code.php file and continue to Part 3.

Part 3:

A. Navigate to the public_html/inc folder.

B. Find and open the sql_funcs.php file for editing.

C. Identify Line 136, it should look like this: $merchant[$i]['subscribe']=$row['subscribe'];

D. If Line 136 does not look like the code above, find that code in your file and use that line.

E. At the end of the line you identified make a new line by hitting the Enter key on your keyboard.

F. You should be at the next line and it should be blank.

G. Paste the following code into the blank line that you just created:


H. Identify Line 212, it should look like this: $buy=str_replace('[merchant_id]', $merchant[$f]['payee'], $buy);

I. If Line 212 does not look like the code above, find that code in your file and use that line.

J. At the end of the line you identified make a new line by hitting the Enter key on your keyboard.

K. You should be at the next line and it should be blank.

L. Paste the following code into the blank line that you just created:

$buy=str_replace('[verify]', $merchant[$f]['verify'], $buy);

M. Save and Close the sql_funcs.php file and continue to Part 4.

Part 4:

A. Navigate to the public_html folder.

B. Find and open the ipn.php file for editing.

C. Identify Line 50, it should look like this: extract($_POST);

D. If Line 50 does not look like the code above, find that code in your file and use that line.

E. At the beginning of the line you identified make a new line by hitting the Enter key on your keyboard.

F. Navigate up one line and it should be blank.

G. Paste the following code into the blank line:

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
if ($input) {
    $data=json_decode($input, true);
    foreach($data as $k => $v) {

H. Ensure extract($_POST) is AFTER the code you just pasted in the file.

I. Save and Close the ipn.php file and continue to Part 5.

Part 5:

A. Exit out of File Manager and cPanel and continue to Step 3.

Step 3: LFM Admin

Part 1:

A. Navigate and Login to the Admin section of your website (https://yoursite.com/admin/).

B. Navigate to the Payment Settings Page (Settings->Payment Settings).

C. You should see HivePay as one of the Merchants.

D. If you do not see HivePay as one of the Merchants, Go To Step 1 and follow ALL instructions.

E. For Merchant ID fill in your Hive Username without the @ symbol (e.g. blainjones).

F. The Verify Code will be the payments you would like to accept.

G. If you do not know what payments to accept use: CTP,HIVE,HBD,TOP10T

H. Delete what is in the Buy Now IPN and Subscribe IPN.

I. If you want to receive payment confirmation emails from HivePay, enter your email address below and click the button to update:

J. Ensuring you have clicked the button above if you want to receive payment confirmation emails from HivePay, copy and paste the code below into the Buy Now IPN and Subscribe IPN sections for HivePay:

<form action="https://hivepay.io/purchase/" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="merchant" value="[merchant_id]">
    <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="[item_name]">
    <input type="hidden" name="description" value="[sitename] Item [item_number]: [item_name]">
    <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="[notify]">
    <input type="hidden" name="return_url" value="[return]">
    <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="[amount]">
    <input type="hidden" name="base_currency" value="USD">
    <input type="hidden" name="merchant_email" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="pay_currency" value="[verify]">
    <input type="hidden" name="merchant_name" value="[sitename]">
    <input type="hidden" name="cancel_url" value="[cancel]">
    <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="[user_id]">
    <input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="[item_number]">
    <input type="image" src="https://hivepay.io/buttons/23.png" style="width:200px;" alt="Pay With HivePay">

K. Looking at the form above, if you wish to replace the button image, change https://hivepay.io/buttons/23.png to your new image.

L. Looking at the form above, the default size of the button is 200px wide, to change this update width:200px; to the width you want.

M. Once button adjustments are made, click the Save button and continue to Part 2.

Part 2:

A. You should now be able to check HivePay in your Sales Packages to turn on HivePay.

B. Ensure you make a test purchase to verify everything is working properly before going live.

C. Once testing is complete and you have verified everything works properly you can go completely live with HivePay on your LFM site.

D. Congratulations! You have completed the HivePay Integration into the LFM Script.

E. Take a break and wipe away the tears!